After years of making guitar pickups I've come to the conclusion that most players know exacly what they want. Rather than offer you an array of ever-so-slightly different variations on this classic design I thought it'd be best to let you pick and choose the exact specifications that you need to acheive your perfect sound.
Select your ideal magnet strength, coil insulation, DC resistance output and level of wax-potting.
For outputs up to 13.50kΩ 42-awg coil wire will be used. For outputs exceeding this value 43-awg wire will be used.
When selecting your level of wax-potting consider that a light potting means that the wax is kept away from the centre of the coil which will result in enhanced dynamics whereas a full potting soaks the entire coil with wax which will help prevent unwanted feedback when playing at high volume.
As standard the magnets in the E & A string coil will read south up and the magnets for the coil for the D & G coil will read north up. Please leave a note if you would like any of these specs to be changed.
Precision Bass - Alnico
2 weeks